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Growing together through generosity of spirit[/caption]As we come towards the end of another year, the focus of our attention can often shift from what still needs to be achieved in our world of work to what gifts (if any) might be fitting for our friends and family – an interesting and probably familiar distraction. However, the recent passing of Nelson Mandela reminds us of a different gift – a gift that can’t be wrapped but is immeasurably more valuable than anything that can be bought. That gift is generosity of spirit.Generosity of spirit is the openness and willingness to share our own ‘gifts’ freely with others, joyously and willingly and without expectation of receiving anything in return. Generosity of spirit is created through respect and compassion for others; it involves experiencing and celebrating that which is important to another person.When we share in this way, we generate abundance and increase prosperity for all. This helps us make a difference and transform situations; generate creative and innovative solutions; lead by example; strengthen our acceptance of responsibility and that of others; share our wisdom and knowledge for everyone’s benefit; explore and build connecting threads where there were none before; and foster peace and harmony. And we can celebrate all that becomes possible as a result.Paradoxically, while being generous in spirit means not expecting anything in return, it yields more to us than we could ever imagine. What we have given will come back to us in ways we may never have expected.Nelson Mandela understood this. He understood exactly what he needed to let go of in order to ensure a better future for everyone in his country. It was his generosity of spirit as the first post-apartheid president of South Africa that allowed the nation to emerge from decades of division.In a smaller but no less significant way, thousands of computer programmers, writers, artists and others show generosity of spirit every day by freely sharing their work with others via the open source movement and the Creative Commons licence. The potential dollar value of this work is immeasurable, but money is not the motivation of these people: generosity of spirit is.We share in this philosophy ourselves through making what we have both created and learnt available on our website. Our vision is to increase emotional health levels across the globe, and our belief is that the more generous we can be with what we have learnt, the greater the opportunity to make this happen. (If ever you need more information or explanation of any of our materials, on our website or elsewhere, we are only an email away.)Perhaps this is something you can reflect on over the coming weeks. What have you given away freely? When have you felt able to be generous of spirit, expecting nothing in return? What has come back to you as a result?Gayle“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” — Nelson Mandela[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]